Well, I have several other things to cross off my list, so get ready for update numărul trei!
1. Buy a good camera and take more pictures.-DONE. I got an awesome deal on this camera: (I know it's not as nice as I wanted, but for my budget for right now, it's gonna have to do...plus, it's better than my other one)

2. Actually make prints of said pictures. - Now, I just have to take some pictures...
3. Keep my room clean for a full week. yeah....not counting on this one anytime soon. I'm beginning to think this one is going to be the hardest one to do.
4. Use my gym membership. I'm going to go ahead and cross this one off bc Jonathan and I have been going as much as we can with our schedules and other circumstances. We have a couple 5ks lined up and are beginning to train for a half-marathon. so I have no doubt in my mind that this will be more than accomplished.
5. Perform somewhere.
6. Take a trip up to Virginia - with gas prices, this one's gonna be tricky.
7. Finish one of the 485974564 songs I've started writing - i have one that's close!
8. Volunteer at the Humane Society. DONE! we officially paid last week and started walking dogs! it's awesome!
9. Spend a whole day with my nephew.
10. Pay off at least one credit card. 1/12/11! :)
11. Start doing yoga again.
12. Spend an entire day in Asheville with Jonathan. The weekend before last, we accomplished this goal. with lots and lots of memories and stories to tell. hahaha. "we at the hotel, motel, mountaineer inn!" that was for you, Lindsey :)
13. Let Jonathan know how much I love and appreciate him, everyday. -He says that I already do this, but I think I could do better.
14. Spend more time with my friends.
15. Read one of those classic novels with zombies added - also in progress, sorta.
16. Cook dinner for my parents.
17. Visit somewhere haunted
18. Play a song on my guitar for the kiddos. - I played the ukulele for them! I'm going to count it even though I said guitar :)
19. Take a day trip with no destination in mind.
20. Go to Carowinds
21. See my SLO girls.
22. Get my fortune told.
23. Give Blood.
24. Go to the beach
Not too bad of progress, if I could say so myself!
Stay Tuned for more updates!
<3 LD