Wednesday, April 6, 2011

24 things update- printed pictures!

As of last week, I have yet another thing to mark off of my list- I have successfully used my camera to take pictures, AND I actually got some of them printed. 
I've been using the camera to take pictures of the kids at Bethlehem a lot, and I ended up with some pretty decent pictures. I used some of them to make a get well present for the director, and I sent the rest home with the parents. So, #2 can be marked off, yay!

1. Buy a good camera and take more pictures.
2. Actually make prints of said pictures.
3. Keep my room clean for a full week.
4. Use my gym membership.
5. Perform somewhere.
6. Take a trip up to Virginia
7. Finish one of the 485974564 songs I've started writing 
8. Volunteer at the Humane Society.  
9. Spend a whole day with my nephew.
10. Pay off at least one credit card.  
11. Start doing yoga again.
12. Spend an entire day in Asheville with Jonathan.
13. Let Jonathan know how much I love and appreciate him, everyday.
14. Spend more time with my friends.
15. Read one of those classic novels with zombies added 
16.  Cook dinner for my parents.
17. Visit somewhere haunted
18. Play a song on my guitar for the kiddos.
19. Take a day trip with no destination in mind.
20. Go to Carowinds
21. See my SLO girls. ** stay tuned for update on this one- it's going to happen this weekend!
22. Get my fortune told.
23. Give Blood. 
24. Go to the beach

I've also been working on a new blog- check it out:

<3 LD

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