I can haz gooder grammar?
For Thankful Thursday this week, I would like to say that I am thankful for people who use proper grammar. I know that these days people like that are few and far between. Now, I'm not talking about the occasional honest mistake- because I know I get in a hurry sometimes and make mistakes. I'm referring to the people who do it on a daily basis- especially on Facebook. Nothing irritates me more about Facebook than reading statuses and every other word is misspelled and/or they are using poor grammar. It's bad enough that I am having to suffer through being part of the "txtng" generation, where everything is abbreviated, but as a result of that, it seems no one knows how to speak properly anymore. Now, I'm not a grammar Nazi by any means, it just annoys me slightly....but I have my connections. :)
Oh, and I know I'm guilty of using LOL, but I just thought this was pretty funny.
<3 LD
that why you say lstm. laughing silently to myself. instead of lying with lol.