Thursday, December 16, 2010

oops! I did it again (again)

Well, it's official- I've become far too busy to be able to promise a daily dose of trouble....but it's ok, because it's for a good cause. You see, I'm busy because of my new work schedule: 7am-noon and 3-6pm with my class of 13 three year olds. And, I couldn't be happier. I love these kids more than a fat kid loves cake. and yes, I'm aware that that joke is very old, but I feel it's appropriate for my given situation.

I'm very sad that I won't be able to post something daily, but I will do my best to share when I have the chance, even if it's just a silly picture or random ramble I have.

I would love to be able to keep up the word of the week segment, so I will do my best to keep that going, but no promises that it will be on Wednesday of every week.

Anyway, my horoscope was very interesting today, so I thought I would share it:
"Don't let negative thinking get you down; criticism on it's own sake is a waste of time. Ignore the negative, jealous remarks of others who would rather see you give up. "
Hmmmm, seems very fitting of the current situation I've been going through.

...well, I'm afraid I'm out of time for today, so I must end this now.

peace and blessings, peace and blessings.

<3 LD

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