it's past 2 am and I can't sleep. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the demon-possessed cats outside and that I'm home alone, or the fact that I haven't slept at all this past week (or the past few weeks for that matter). But basically, I either need to purchase a crossbow (to take care of the cats), or get some ambien. Come to think of it, I might do both just to be on the safe side. (don't worry, if I do combine the two, I will be sure to post a youtube link of the outcome).
Since my last post was about getting better at making decisions, I must admit that I did pretty bad over the weekend. I did, however, have to make an extremely important decision earlier today. I feel like that big decision canceled out my indecisiveness from the weekend... especially since it was one of the hardest choices I've ever had to make. (I've never been too good at reading in between the lines)
On a brighter note, I was asked a question today that got me pondering... Can an awesome person (such as myself) increase the amount of awesomeness that one acquires? or do you just reach a certain point of awesomeness and that's it? I feel like I'm always striving to be a better person (increasing my awesomeness), so I would like to think that it just grows over time. Or, I'm just completely full of myself and others feed it by telling me how awesome I am all of the time.
Welp, "Enter Sandman" just started playing on my shuffle, so I'm going to take it as a sign that I will get some sleep tonight... but seriously, I should get some sleep though, or else i might fall asleep while working tomorrow and awake to sharpie art on my face. and I think I'm all out of hand sanitizer.
<3 LD
this song has been on my mind for a while now:
the avett brothers- my last song to jenny
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