Well, it's an even day, so that means it's time for another entry. However, my mind is abnormally blank. But it's not typical writers block...It almost feels as if I've had so much on my mind lately that my brain said "that's enough!" and completely shut down on me. However, I am going to attempt to write, and hopefully my brain will forgive me and start working again.
I'm a pretty impulsive person, and it has gotten me into a lot of trouble over the years (hence my blog name). Countless times I have found myself in situations where I wish I had a rewind button, or better yet, a Delorean time machine. Not everything that I am impulsive about turns out bad, but most of the time I find myself questioning my actions and wishing I would have thought things through more. Right now, I'm just in a big state of confusion about things that I want in life, which is probably why it's easier for me to act upon impulse. Don't get me wrong- I believe that everything happens for a reason, so I don't necessarily regret any of my impulsive decisions, I just think things would be easier had I made different choices sometimes.
Annnnd, it seems as if my brain has yet to forgive me, so I'm going to have to end this one here. But I will leave you with a funny picture that pretty much sums up my decision making process:

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