Last night I had this crazy dream that I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and I got attacked by Zac Efron. This is when I realized I was in fact just sleepwalking and I ran into the giant bouquet of High School Musical balloons left from my late surprise birthday party my amazing friends threw for me. Needless to say, this disoriented me just a little, but as soon as I came to my senses and realized I wasn't being stalked by a former Disney channel star (anymore), I was able to get back to sleep with a smile on my face, and my machete by my side.
The point of this awesome anecdote is to simply say that even though it's Moody Monday, when everyone is allowed to be a little grumpy (although I've heard my grumpiness is actually quite enjoyable) I am the opposite of grumpy. Not only did I fall asleep with a smile on my face, but I awoke with one as well. And even though I have to cringe through an hour this morning with people attempting to play guitar, then spend 2 hours in the gym running around since I'm sure we won't be able to play tennis because of the rain, I will still have a smile on my face. Then, after spending the afternoon with my class of 13 (coincidence?!) 3 year-olds, I will still have that same smile on my face.
Now, I bet you are wondering- "Why is she so darn happy on a Monday?" Well, a good guess would be that there is a new episode of How I Met Your Mother on tonight, but then again, it could be something entirely different.
Peace and Blessings,
<3 LD
luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv it. <3