Wednesday, December 1, 2010

word of the week- loquacious

This week's word is brought to you by the letter "L"! (yeah, that's right- you should all be able to sign nearly half of the alphabet by now)


loh-KWAY-shuhs adjective

1.Very talkative.

2.Full of excessive talk; wordy

The letter L is my favorite letter of the alphabet for some reason, so I thought it would only be appropriate to have a word that directly reflects my personality. 
My mom always tells me that once I learned to talk I started and never stopped. I'm pretty sure the first time I ever heard someone say "shut up" was from my mom telling me to stop talking. What can I say? I love to talk. I'm full of stories, and even if I've already told you it once, I'm going to tell you again. That's the main reason I started a blog... otherwise, I would drive everyone insane with my random rambles. 
I have been fortunate enough to have a few people in my life that actually handled the random rambles pretty well. And if you have talked with me on the phone on a regular basis, you are more awesome than words can describe and deserve some sort of award for your patience. 
The only problem with being a "Chatty Cathy" is that when I am not talking excessively, people think something is wrong. Lately, when this happens, I respond with "I'm tired", which apparently has become my new catch phrase. In my defense, I haven't had a lot of free time lately, so I am tired most of the time. But, I think I am finally adjusting to it. So watch out- LD is back. and I might even find LaDasha again soon.

<3 LD

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