Tuesday, October 19, 2010

jeepers creepers!

A friend of mine sang this to me today, and it's been in my head ever since- "jeepers, creepers....where'd you get those creepers? Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those guys?" 
If you have ever been out in public with me, you know that I tend to get creeped on. A lot. It's something that I've dealt with for quite some time now, and have naturally gotten accustomed to. But, there are still some cases of creeper-ism that even I have a hard time getting over. The instance that I am referring to has completely thrown me for a loop, and has me questioning my faith in man-kind and whether or not all people are in fact absolutely insane.
Situations like these always cause me to revert back to one of the first cases I can remember about a creeper that I actually got a good laugh about- It was my 22nd birthday, and I was in downtown SLO with my friends at DTB. There was a guy there that was talking to me, that I had absolutely no interest in, and one of my friends (MLH) insisted that I take a picture with him. Of course, I tried to refuse, but she snapped a picture just as I was trying to get away from him. Later, another good friend (SDS) commented on the picture, saying that it looked like he had just whispered in my ear "I'm going to rape you". We all laughed about this for days, and I still can't look at this picture without cracking up. 

Then I stumbled across this picture online, which made it even funnier:

So from now on, when I have a creeper situation, I'm going to try to make the most of it. Because after all, creeper stories make fun stories!

<3 LD

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