Friday, November 26, 2010

black friday!!!

I'm very fortunate that my good friend, Ashley didn't make me go out shopping with her this morning.... Or, I should say at midnight last night. Shopping is one of my least favorite things to do (I know, it's weird) and the thought of getting no sleep, standing in long lines, fighting with huge crowds, and being gone for 8 hours (yes, that's how long she was out!) just doesn't excite me as much as it does others. 
Now, Ashley is the queen of bargain shopping, so I'm sure I could have gotten some awesome deals, and probably even some free stuff too knowing her. But, I was pretty content where I was last night, so I'm glad I passed.
And, by being lazy, I got some pretty good deals online and I didn't even have to wake up early, or even get out of bed!
And, as always, here's a comic for Funny Friday.

<3 LD

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